Bad look for a good cause

A while back I decided I would like to get my long hair cut a lot shorter. Then, I had a conversation with some friends at lunch while still at uni, and I decided I would just shave the whole lot off and try and raise some cash for charity.

I chose to do it for a charity called Habitat for Humanity. I heard quite a lot about this charity and their wonderful work in a short space of time, and at about the same time they launched their HopeBuilders appeal.

One in three people live in poverty housing according to recent UN stats. Having no home, or inadequate housing is damaging for so many reasons. It causes insecurity, promotes disease, and makes getting a job or education very difficult. Emotionally, people living in poverty housing are more vulnerable and are robbed of a future of hope and opportunity.

Habitat for Humanity works in over 100 countries, its goal to combat poverty housing and homelessness. Since it was founded the charity has built over 200,000 homes worldwide. Homeowners help build the houses they will eventually live in together with the community and Habitat volunteers which is a real boost to their self esteem. As homes are built, so is the community. And the process brings new hope and inspiration.

I am in awe of what Habitat for Humanity has achieved and is achieving. Their focus on building houses recognises that homes are more than simply a shelter. They provide stability, a hope-filled future and a place to call home.

My friend Sascha has suggested he try to perpetuate an urban legend of the girl who built a house with her hair. The silliness made me laugh at first. It made me think though, people’s generosity in sponsoring my rather radical haircut has meant that I have nearly got to £1235, the average cost of a Habitat build. What seemed like a wildly ambitious target now seems like its in view. If losing my hair means someone gains a house, how cool is that?

If you would like to contribute you can do it HERE

Other useful links: Read more about the HopeBuilder’s appeal, including stories of how homes have changed lives and become a HopeBuilder yourself Read more about the charity’s work worldwide

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